My Beloved Soulmate
My Beloved Soulmate
Juxtaposing blue against white roses creates an ambiance of genuine love and prosperous wishes. This picturesque bouquet of 12 roses not only depict your love to go on forever, but also holds true to the fact that your lady will be the only one you cherish in this life.
This arrangement features Tiny Blue accompanied by eucalyptus baby blue
Want to send a more lavish arrangement to reflect the magnitude of your love and care? Choose the number of roses you wish to send!
Delivery Timing ( monday - friday ) :
Orders made before 9pm on the previous day will be delivered the next day between 10am - 2pm.
Orders made before 11am on the same - day will be delivered between 2pm - 5pm.
Orders made before 3pm on the same-day will be delivered between 7pm – 10pm
Orders made after 3pm on the same – day will be delivered between next working 10am – 2pm
Delivery Timing ( Sat & Sun ) :
Orders made before 9pm on the Friday will be delivered between 10am – 5pm / 7pm – 10pm
Orders made after 9pm on the FRIDAY will be delivered between next working MONDAY on 2PM - 5PM
- Actual color tones of flowers may differ slightly from image.
- FLOWERPLUS花加 reserves the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availabilit
Show your love
Flowers are the perfect way to express your love on any occasion